Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Is it possible for a 19 year old to get a mortgage on a house?

With no credit histoy, but 50,000$ per year income?Is it possible for a 19 year old to get a mortgage on a house?
Because you have no past credit history, they will likely deny you a mortgage even if you make 50 G a year.Is it possible for a 19 year old to get a mortgage on a house?
Anything is possible. Just be careful of the interest rates you may be paying.
I dont see why not .You may have to make a credit
If you have been working at the $50,000 job for more than 12 months, have a history of paying a sizable rent for more than 12 months (something close to the expected mortgage payment) and have a sizable down payment, it is possible. Not easy, but possible. Interest will probably be high.
Doubtful. And just exactly what is it you do for a living?
The only way you will know is to make an appointment with a qualified mortgage banker or broker in your area. I would acutally see at leasts 2 of them so you can compare answers. In most cases you need a credit history of some sort. So if you do not have credit from banks or credit cards, you might be asked if you pay rent, utilities, insurance (alternative credit) and some programs allow for that type of situation. The only reason your age is an issue is because you most like do not have a credit history and your job history may be short.

Most 19 yr olds don't know where they will be in a year so purchasing a home is not always the best decision. I would talk to your parents and get their advice. My advice would be to rent for at least 1 yr and gain some time on the job and you will have an easy time of things if after that time you want to buy and stay put.

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