Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Do mortgages cause wars?

Being as they are an extension of the blood oath culture of Northern Europe, its most modern expression.Do mortgages cause wars?
Mortgages cause wars when they are turn into investment bonds by investment bankers and sold and swaps again and again for profits or to cover losses.Finally mortgages are turn to ashes when their borrowers cannot pay their repayments and their houses had to be foreclosedDo mortgages cause wars?
Normally mortgages will always cause wars. They can be long or short and various weapons may be deployeed at any time day or night causing untold damage and distruction. They seem to be safe and secure on the surface but don't let this fool you. These wars can be set off with little to no evidence of wrong doing and hold the ultimante power of family distruction. They are normally set off by lip stick, cell phone bills, credit card reciepts and working late. Use extreme caution in holding one of these with two names on it as it is by far the most dangerous!!!
I doubt you will find many people outside the finance industry who remember the origins of the mortgage; or anyone inside the finance industry who would believe there is still any connection.
Not in the United States.

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