Thursday, July 29, 2010

How do I get in on Obama's mortgage relief plan?

So according to the news I have read, his 75 billion dollar relief plan will also assist people like me who owe more than my home is worth. What should I do to get the help I need?How do I get in on Obama's mortgage relief plan?
The plan will only help those in foreclosure and I guess stop paying for it.How do I get in on Obama's mortgage relief plan?
What State do you live in? And do you have more than one mortgage? And if so, is it a first mortgage from buying the house?

There's no way to help you without those kinds of details. For example, if you live in California and only have the loan from buying the house, you're in luck. But if you live in Oregon and took out two mortgages (one to make the downpayment on the other), you are screwed.
The plan has not been approved. The larger bailout was approved, but the mortgage relief has just been proposed. Therefore, we do not know the final details or guidelines. Once it is approved, there will be some type of public notice as to how to proceed.
Why is everyone looking for a free ride. It is disgusting. If you get in over your head, then it is too bad. I purchased a home in an area that I was not overly exicted about and a much smaller house than I wanted, but the bottom line: I BOUGHT WHAT I CoulD AFFORD
Skip school, have a lot of kids with no marriage, buy bling and Nikes, get on welfare, buy a home you can't afford, vote for a ';savior'; that will fix all your problems.... and then hold your breath.
Fail miserably at life by buying a house that you cannot, in no way, afford. Then, quit paying your bills, cry and whine, and demand that everyone else pays for you. Then you will get money.
More info to come after March 4th.

Read all about it here....
Send him a letter, or call City Hall and they should have a department with recent information for help on mortgages and houses! Good Luck!
He hasn't even announced it fully yet-I'm watching too but why don't people wait till there is an actual way to find out
Get in line ... the really long line.

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